A WebClass for Small Business Owners who want to Increase Their Sales

Attention: Future Course Creators, Knowledge Experts, Consultants, Trainers & Solopreneurs

[TrioFIT Ladies - A Holistic Weight Loss Plan for Busy Career Women]

How to Achieve Your Ideal Body Weight, Shape, and Boost Your Confidence in Three Steps, even with a Hectic Work Schedule or No time to Workout

TrioFIT Ladies Program is a practical weight management plan created for busy career women. It helps you shed extra weight naturally by curbing cravings, controlling calorie intake, and removing excess water and toxins. With TrioFIT, you can effortlessly maintain your desired body shape.

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

Multi-Awards Winners

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

Are You Facing the Challenges below?

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

  • Limited Time & Unpredictable Work Hours: With our hectic work schedules, it's tough to find time for workouts or plan nutritious meals. Plus, those unpredictable hours can really throw a wrench into our routines.

  • Long Hours of Sitting: Many of us have desk jobs, which means we're glued to our seats for hours. It's no surprise that it can slow down our metabolism since we're not moving around much.

  • Stress and Emotional Eating: Work stress? It can lead to some not-so-healthy snacking for comfort. We've all been there, right?

  • Limited Access to Healthy Meals: Fast-paced jobs often leave us with two choices: fast food or skipping meals. Neither is great for our health.

  • No Work-Life Balance: Balancing work, family, and personal goals? It's a real struggle. Finding time for our health often feels like an impossible task.

  • Information Overload: And don't get me started on the diet and exercise advice out there. It's like a never-ending flood of conflicting information. So overwhelming!

And this often leads to gaining extra weight, adopting an unhealthy lifestyle, and feeling less confident.

We've been there ourselves, so we understand exactly how you're feeling. We're really passionate about helping you avoid going through all that.

If this resonates with you, here's some exciting news...

Our TrioFIT Ladies Program is designed specifically to help busy career women achieve their ideal body weight.

Here's What You Will Learn in this WebClass:

  • How to calculate the exact number of leads, appointments and number of customers that you need to hit your financial target.

  • How to generate more qualified leads, and systematically convert those leads into sales with AI automation.

  • How to use automation to speed up your marketing & sales process to free up your time and focus on serving more customers.

How It Works

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

  1. Register & Watch the 22 Mins WebClass

  2. Apply the 4-Steps framework

  3. Watch your productivity and sales increase.

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

What is TrioFIT Ladies Program:

TrioFIT Ladies Program is a 3-Steps weight management program designed for career-focused women.

It is made for busy women who want to manage their weight easily.

This 90 days program will helps you lose weight naturally by reducing food cravings, stopping you from eating too many calories, and getting rid of excess water and toxins in your body.

This way, you can maintain the body shape you want without too much effort.

Step 1:

90 Days Personalized TrioFIT Wellness Coaching

  • Get your own nutrition coach who'll help you make healthier food choices that fit your busy life.

  • They'll be your cheerleader, checking in with you regularly to keep you on track.

  • Plus, they'll teach you some stress-busting tricks to make sure work pressure doesn't mess with your eating habits.

Step 2:

TrioGut® for Improved Stomach Health & Digestion

  • Think of TrioGut as your digestive superhero. It'll help you slim down by making your tummy feel awesome.

  • With its special blend of natural ingredients like 2.4 billion Probiotic BB536, 5 digestive enzymes, and 11 fibers, it'll make your digestion smooth sailing.

  • You'll notice less bloating, improved metabolism, and even reduced cholesterol levels.

Step 3:

Reduce Junk Food Cravings with LEAN90®

  • Swap out 1 meal with delicious LEAN90 and watch the weight drop without the headache of calorie counting.

  • It's not just about weight; it's also packed with all the natural good ingredients (Pisane® Golden Pea Protein, Organic Beets, vitamins and minerals) your body needs.

  • And the best part? It tames those snack cravings, so you don't eat unnecessary calories (junk food).

These three steps are like your personal weight loss toolkit, designed especially for busy career women like you.

They'll help you hit your goals while keeping up with your crazy schedule.

What You Will Experience After Enrolling "TrioFIT Ladies Program"

  • Looks Prettier & Feeling Confident: Keeping a healthy weight not only makes you looks good; it also boosts your confidence, makes you appear younger, and can even enhance your likability and career success.

  • Feel Amazing Hitting Your Ideal Weight: You'll achieve a strong sense of accomplishment, confidence, and well-being while staying fit, enabling you to live a healthier & happier life.

  • Improved Focus & Enhanced Productivity: Think of it like this: a healthier gut is like a fuel-efficient engine. It helps your body convert food into energy more effectively. So, with more energy in your tank, you can focus better and get things done more efficiently.

  • Increased Resilience & Better Decision-Making: Think about it this way: when you've got more energy, you can think on your feet and make smart decisions all day at work. It's like having a secret superpower for tackling job stress and challenges like a pro. And the best part? You'll keep performing at your best, reducing the chance of burnout

  • Better Career Opportunity: Picture this: a healthier, fitter you making a positive impression in your professional circle. It could open doors to exciting career prospects.

What Others Says

Ashley - "I Lose 2% of My Body Fat after the Program..."

Khloe Tan - "The program help me to slim down after my pregnancy..."

Jennifer Choy - "Very happy the program, I lose over 9kg..."

Jacklyn - "The program help me to lose over 4KG..."

TrioFIT Ladies Program

TrioFIT Ladies Program, featuring 2 Natural Supplements & TrioFIT Wellness Coaching

TRIOGUT® for Improved digestive health and LEAN90® for effortless weight management, Both, combined, offers busy career women a holistic solution to achieve their ideal body weight and well-being.

It also featured 90 Days of TrioFIT Wellness Coaching - which empowers busy career women with personalized guidance, and nutrition feedback, ensuring they can successfully achieve their weight loss goals while managing demanding work schedules.


Inside TRIOGUT®, tailor made for busy career women, you'll discover a powerful blend of natural digestive enzymes, probiotics, and fibers. This tailored formula is crafted to ease digestive discomfort, enhance metabolism, and maintain a balanced weight, all while fitting seamlessly into your hectic schedule.

Benefits - How It Helps Busy Career Women

Happy Tummy: TRIOGUT® is like a friendly helper for your tummy. It makes sure your food gets digested smoothly, so you won't have those "ugh" moments of bloating or tummy troubles when you're juggling a packed work schedule.

Stay Energized: Imagine having a steady stream of energy all day long. That's what TRIOGUT® can do for you. It keeps your energy levels up, helping you stay on top of your game at work.

Feel Amazing: When your tummy feels good and you have the energy to tackle your career goals, it's like a confidence booster. TRIOGUT® can help you maintain a healthy weight, so you feel amazing both inside and out.

Ingredients - What's Inside?

1. Soluble Fibers: helps lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar, and maintain a healthy weight. It acts as a prebiotic, nourishing good bacteria in your gut.

2. Insoluble Fibers: Insoluble fiber helps reshape stool, relieving constipation, and cleanses the colon from toxins, promoting regular and healthy bowel movements.

3. Probiotic BB536: Clinically proven to support gastrointestinal health and immune function. It aids in balancing the gut microbiome and improving digestion.

4. Digestive Enzymes (Amylase, Protease, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase): These enzymes help break down food more effectively, aiding in digestion and absorption of nutrients, reducing digestive discomfort such as gas and bloating.

5. Barley Grass: Barley grass is rich in vitamins and minerals, providing essential nutrients for overall health.

6. Apple Pectin: Apple pectin contributes to fiber content and supports digestive health.

7. Green Tea: Green tea contains antioxidants that may help protect cells from damage and promote overall well-being.

8. Acerola Cherry: Natural source of vitamin C, which supports immune health.

9. Oat: A good source of dietary fiber and contribute to the overall fiber content of TrioGut.

10. Dandelion: Dandelion has been traditionally used to support digestion and liver health.

11. Mango: provides natural sweetness and flavor to the product.

12. Wheat Grass, Spirulina, and Chlorella: These ingredients are nutrient-dense and contribute to the overall nutritional profile of TrioGut.

13. Psyllium Husk: Psyllium husk is a source of soluble fiber known for its role in promoting regular bowel movements and supporting digestive health.

These ingredients work together to provide a holistic approach to digestive health, supporting everything from regular bowel movements to a balanced gut microbiome and overall well-being.

How to Consume

Mix 1 sachet with a normal glass of water OR with any of your favourite drinks. Drink immediately.

Consume 2-3 sachets daily before or after meal.


1. Can TrioGut help with weight management?

Yes, TrioGut contains soluble fiber, which can help maintain a healthy weight by promoting a feeling of fullness and supporting better appetite control. Additionally, improved digestion can contribute to overall well-being, which may aid in weight management efforts.

2. Is TrioGut suitable for individuals with digestive issues like bloating and constipation?

Absolutely! TrioGut's blend of fibers, probiotics, and digestive enzymes is specifically designed to help relieve digestive discomfort, including bloating and constipation. It promotes regular bowel movements and supports a healthy gut.

3. Are there any side effects or precautions when using TrioGut?

TrioGut is generally safe for most individuals. However, if you have any underlying medical conditions or are pregnant or nursing, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement.

4. How long should I use TrioGut to see results?

The timeframe for experiencing benefits from TrioGut may vary from person to person. Some individuals may notice improvements in digestion and reduced bloating and constipation within a few days, while others may take longer. Consistent daily use is recommended for best results.

5. Can I take TrioGut with other medications or supplements?

If you are taking medications or other supplements, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding TrioGut to your routine. This will help ensure there are no potential interactions.

6. Is TrioGut suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

Yes, TrioGut is suitable for vegetarians and vegans as it contains plant-based ingredients.

7. Can I use TrioGut as a meal replacement?

No, TrioGut is not intended to be used as a meal replacement. It should be consumed as a dietary supplement in addition to a balanced diet.


Inside LEAN90®, you'll discover a thoughtfully crafted mix of natural ingredients like protein, essential vitamins, and minerals. This blend is purpose-built to tackle appetite control and emotional eating.

It's designed with busy career women in mind, making weight management a breeze by curbing those unnecessary junk food calories. Plus, it's a convenient fit for your hectic schedule, promoting overall well-being while you power through your demanding workdays.

Benefits - How It Helps Busy Career Women

Stay on Top of Your Weight: LEAN90® is like your secret weapon for managing weight while juggling your busy career. It helps you keep that healthy body shape you've been aiming for.

No More Meal Prep Hassles: Forget about spending hours in the kitchen. LEAN90® is your handy, time-saving meal option. Just mix it up, and you're good to go, giving you more time to conquer your workday.

Stay Energized All Day: Say goodbye to those energy slumps. LEAN90® keeps you going strong throughout your hectic schedule, so you can tackle your tasks with a spring in your step.

Ingredients - What's Inside?

1. Pisane® Golden Pea Protein:

  • High-quality plant-based protein source.

  • Contains all nine essential amino acids for muscle building and repair.

  • Alkaline in nature.Easy to digest (98% digestibility).

2. Organic Beets:

  • Rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

  • Supports blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar regulation.

  • Provides nutrients for red blood cell production, enhancing stamina and hormone balance.

  • Contains betaine, which improves blood circulation and aids muscle gain and fat loss.

  • Non-dairy source of calcium, suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals.

3. Amino Acids (Including Leucine):

  • Amino acids are essential for various bodily processes.

  • Leucine may assist in muscle maintenance and fat burning.

How to Consume

Mix 2 heap scoops of LEAN90® in 1 normal glass of water (normal temperature), shake, and drink! 

Or you can also blend into your favourite smoothie!


1. Can LEAN90® help with weight loss?

Yes, LEAN90® is formulated to assist with weight management by controlling appetite and reducing calorie intake from junk food.

2. Is LEAN90® suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Yes, LEAN90® is plant-based and free from animal products, making it suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

3. Are there any allergens in LEAN90®?

LEAN90® is free from common allergens like lactose and gluten, making it a suitable choice for individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

4. Can men use LEAN90®?

Absolutely, LEAN90® is suitable for both men and women and can be part of a balanced diet for anyone looking to manage their weight.

5. How does LEAN90® taste?

LEAN90® offers a natural coconut flavor, providing a delicious and enjoyable taste.

6. Is LEAN90® safe to use for a long duration?

LEAN90® is designed for regular use and can be integrated into your daily routine as needed. However, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for prolonged or specialized use.

7. Can LEAN90® replace all of my meals?

While LEAN90® can replace individual meals like breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet by incorporating a variety of foods for overall nutrition.

8. Will I experience any side effects with LEAN90®?

LEAN90® is 100% natural and generally well-tolerated. However, individual reactions can vary. if you have underlying serious health concerns, It's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new dietary supplement.

TrioFIT Wellness Coaching (90 Days)

TrioFIT Wellness Coaching is a 90 days FUN diet coaching empowers busy career women with personalized guidance, motivation, and wellness management strategies, ensuring they can successfully achieve their weight loss goals while managing demanding work schedules.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Snap a photo of your meal and send it via WhatsApp to our Certified Nutrition Coach

  • Step 2: Receive feedback from our Nutritionists to ensure you're on the right track with your weight loss goals.

  • Step 3: Make like-minded friends in Private TrioFIT Ladies Communities

TrioFIT Ladies Program is Suitable For

  • Busy Professionals Women: Perfect for career-driven women with tight schedules, but want to get in shape and stay lean

  • Health-Conscious Career Women: If you care about your health and want guidance on nutrition and wellness, this program is made for you.

  • Wellness Enthusiasts: For women who cherish their well-being and want to seamlessly blend healthy habits into their career-oriented lives.

About Wellness Group

  • 20 years of experience specialize in nutrition, health and wellness industry.

  • Transformed over 100,000+ individuals improving their health over the last 20 years.

  • Group of companies of Wellness Concept, Wellness Academy and Wellness Detox.

  • Awards Winner of...

KL Branch:

A-G-5, Block Allamanda, 10 Boulevard, Lebuhraya Sprint, Jalan PJU 6a/3a, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Penang Branch:

F-10, 1, Lorong Bayan Indah 1, Bay Avenue, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang

Kuching Branch:

2nd Floor , Sub Lot 84, Gala City, Jalan Tun Jugah, Kempas Heights, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak

My entrepreneurship journey wasn't fancy; it was tough and full of hardships. I'm just an ordinary person out there, like most others. I didn't have a rich dad, I'm an introvert, lacked business skills when I first started, and I come from a small town. I didn't have any advantages at the starting line.

I was forced to learn how to start my online consulting business because I was too poor (had zero savings) after working 9-5 for ten years. Starting an online consulting business was the only affordable option for me.

During my final year of employment, I used my credit card to cover all the business expenses and invested in learning from other experts to start my online consulting business part-time.

Long story short, after making numerous sacrifices, I earned enough money to fire my boss after running my part-time online consulting business for seven months. Five years later, I have achieved the financial stability I desired (though not as a multimillionaire), purchased three properties, and attained the lifestyle I wanted.

Having firsthand experience of how challenging it is to start a business and get paying customers online, it has become my passion to help others achieve the same results using the blueprint, framework, and system that I used.

"I can't believe we have so many clients in short period..."

"We had 30 clients in Canada now since working with you, I've been trying so many methods from big names and it didn't work..."

"We started from zero during covid, and decided to follow your coaching...and now having over 350+ clients in our business..."

"You finally let me taste how it feels like earning 5 figures/month for the first time..."

"Thank you Sifu for shifting my mindset always, I go from zero to now over 200 clients within a year!"

"KC, Just wanna say thank you for the coaching and encouragement! I never imagine I can set up everything from scratch & get sales online!"

"Just close another 5K deal! 2 for the first month! It's amazing.

Just by daily organic posting consistently. It really create traffic like you said!"

"Thanks for your Guidance, my students no has increase more than 1000 kids for the past 1 years since follow your page!"

There's More...

Jacklyn - "Very happy I lost 4KG in this program..."

Verns Lee - "The program successfully help me to lose 4.3kg..."

Angeline Fong - "I manage lose 3.1kg during this program"

What is Expert Masterclass?

The Expert Masterclass™ is my signature online coaching to help knowledge experts to generate min 500k per year...by marketing their expertise, launching their business to impact more people with their message and monetize from it at the same time.

It is design for Course Creators, Knowledge Experts, Consultants, Trainers and Individual who have experience / expertise in helping people to improve their health, wellness, beauty, personal development, relationship, income and business.

...already making 80K or more a year in their business (meaning, they’re already experiencing some small success)… and…

…they want to impact more people with their expertise.

"Last year, I had 3 students. This year I had 28 (and counting)!"

"So far I had close 5 programs until the end of next month"

Here’s a Sneak-Peek At The Transformation You’ll Experience At During Our Online Coaching

Let me begin by stating that this event is not one of those events that only gets you hyped about your potential, only to leave you disappointed the next day because you lack a specific plan or direction to achieve your goals.

To ensure that this event brings about true transformation, we have designed our coaching where you will actively work on your business, rather than just discussing it.

Each day has been meticulously crafted to propel you to the next level of impact by showcasing the strategies employed by successful companies to achieve significant revenue growth.

This means that from day one, you will immediately start implementing the necessary systems and plans to drive growth and profitability using my 3 Pillars. You can expect to see tangible results right from the outset.

Now, let me provide you with a glimpse of what we will cover during our time together...


On Step 1 - you will discover the exact steps to find your authentic marketing message, define your unique value proposition, and gain crystal-clear clarity on your ideal clients that you should serve.

Clarity is Power.

By attaining unwavering clarity, you will effortlessly attract and delight your ideal clients, who will not only appreciate your work but also happily invest in your services.

  • The 6 questions you need to answer to craft a compelling message that attracts ideal clients to your market.

  • Discover the 3 simple steps that will increase your income in the next 12 months, eliminating guesswork.

  • How to Position yourself as the industry authority that commands respect and admiration.

  • How to sell your expertise even if you have no audience, no fans, and starting from zero.

  • How to find your profitable niche that entices customers willing to pay for your offerings.

  • Step 1 Outcome: You will have total clarity and confidence with who you should should serve, how you will help them, why they should pay you higher, and most importantly, your marketing message and what you need to prepare to market yourself in the market.

"I decided to borrow money to start with you...it was tough in the beginning, but now my whiteboard is now full of appointment & sales!"


On Step 2 - You will learn how to structure your offer that people would be happy to pay you for without lowering your fees.

You will learn how you should price your offer (program or service) that you can make a good profit. We will guide you how to increase your value that you can easily raise your fees 5x - 10x that you initially charge, and people will still think it's worth it.

We will also guide you how to re-engineer your business model that give you freedom and flexibility (work online/hybrid and make much more)

This is where you start to feel the freedom of owning your own business and gain the lifestyle (and respect) that makes people envious of your position.

  • How to Charge Higher for Your Services and Achieve Increased Revenue with Fewer Clients

  • Unlock the Simple Secret to Automatically Boost Your Lead Generation and Eliminate Time-Wasters and Problematic Clients from Your Pipeline

  • Learn how to create a Scalable Business that Provides Financial Stability and Freedom, Even During Your Vacation

  • Step 2 Outcome: You will leave with ONE Irresistible Offer with the exact pricing that you should charge and how you should engineer your business model to work with 1-to-many online. And we'll start to promote the offer to your existing network and start to get a few highly-interested prospects from there.

"I really follow every of your formula...and we go from 250 students to now over 800+ students in a few months!"


Step 3 is all about Getting Clients. You will learn powerful strategies and system to acquire customers with or without paid ads.

The key to accelerating your business growth from earning 80k per year to at least 500k per year, is to learn how to get customers with marketing automation system.

Just imagine the relief you'll experience when you have efficient marketing systems that handle a significant portion of your workload. It's like feeling stress evaporate, much like butter on a scorching summer day.

Your business operations will become smoother and more streamlined. Repetitive tasks will be automated, freeing up your time and energy.

You'll have the opportunity to focus on expanding your business instead of being trapped in the day-to-day operations.

  • How to transform your Step 1 and 2 into compelling marketing content that generates High-buying-intent prospects.

  • Learn the 2 traffic strategies that you can use to get leads immediately

  • How to setup your automated system that can do 70% of your business and get unlimited leads

  • ​How to Leverage your Social media content to create sustained growth - do it once, make it pay you forever

  • Step 3 Outcome: You will have a marketing system that can promote your expertise and generate sales.

"I'm an Aunty you know...not tech savvy, but i Just follow everything you ask me to do, once i launched it, everything started to flows... wahh...my whiteboard now is full of schedule and clients name!"

This is Suitable For:

  • If you're an ordinary person seeking to monetize your expertise, you possess valuable experience and knowledge that can assist others in enhancing various aspects of their lives, such as business, health and wellness, income level, finances, relationships, career, and personal development.

  • You want to make a meaningful impact on more people's lives while earning a living through your skills.

  • Now that you have accumulated sufficient experience/skills, you are eagerly looking forward to monetize from it.

  • You envision embracing the laptop lifestyle, enabling you to help a greater number of individuals while enjoying the freedom and flexibility it offers.

What Kind Of Results Are Our Clients Getting?

"I own an football training academy and english centre in UK, your coaching help me to fill up all my class number fast...!"

"You motivate me so much and I follow your instruction to market my business and after 8 months I manage to quit my teacher job!"

"When we first started, we only have 1 centre, now we grow it to over 11+ centers all over Malaysia now under licensing"

"Initially I only have 2 clients for my gymnastic training...After following your training, we get to over 100 clients now!"

"I am at 114 now, from previous 50, moving from HDB shop to a shop in Shopping Mall!"

"We had 10 when we start with you, now we have 26, looking to 35 this month!"

Here’s Exactly How We Help

We provide Online coaching and a business turnkey system to help our people to save years of learning and launch it fast.

  • Business Clarity Session - We will have this important session (1-to-1 zoom) to nail down your target audience, your offer, your pricing, your contents)

  • Ongoing Coaching Support - Private WhatsApp & Zoom support - you can ask question anytime without any session limit (we like to help our people to implement with speed)

  • Private Community : An exclusive environment to network and mastermind with other success-minded entrepreneurs.

  • Business ​Turnkey System - We provide you a software completed with all the pre-designed automation, funnel, page design, and templates (you just fill in the blank)

  • Done for You Tech Integration - We will handle all the technical setup for you. You don't have to learn and get frustrated by tech things.

  • Online Video Course - to teach you from business strategy, ads, content, funnel (you can also ask us question directly if you don't have time to go thru the videos)

  • Double Money Back Guarantee - First we finish the work fast and launch it to help you make back the money invested. If within certain time frame, you don't get your money back, we will continue to work with you for free. If it still doesn't work after the next timeframe, we will refund all your money back (if you don't make money, we don't make money as well)

What Makes Triofit Ladies Program Unique?


Designed for Busy Career Women

Everything from ingredients, diet coaching service is tailor-made for busy career women who want to manage their weight easily.


No Rebound Weight Gain

You can confidently stop using it once you've reached your ideal weight without worrying about regaining those lost pounds.


Convenient and Enjoyable

Delicious and handy sachets that make your weight management journey easy and enjoyable.


100% Natural Ingredients

Each of the three steps is designed with natural ingredients, making them suitable for various lifestyles and without worry about side effects


Ensuring Quality

Uniquely formulated solutions that address the root causes of your weight concerns


Tailor-made with Results

Customers have been raving about TrioFIT's remarkable results, shedding unwanted weight, and achieving a slimmer, healthier appearance.

What You Will Get in the Package:

TrioFIT Ladies Program

  • Designed to help lose 2-7KG healthily (results vary for different people)

  • Dedicated 90 Days 1-to-1 TrioFIT Coaching by Certified Nutrition Coach

  • 6 Boxes of TrioGUT (90 Sachets) - for Improved Stomach Health & Digestion

  • 4 Cans of LEAN90® (4 x 550g) - Reduce Junk Food Cravings

  • 1 TrioFIT Shaker Bottle

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies Community (FB Group Support)

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies WhatsApp Group Support

  • "How to Eat Well & Stay Fit" Online Course (by Certified Nutritionist)

  • Smart Body Fat Weighing Scale

  • 90 Days Money Back Guarantee


  • Professional Nutrition Online Course (35+ Videos)

  • Advance Nutrition Online Course (25+ videos)

30 Days TrioFIT

  • Designed to help lose 2-3KG healthily

    (results vary for different people)

  • 30 days TrioFIT Group Coaching

  • WhatsApp TrioFIT Group Coaching by Certified Nutrition Coach

  • 30 Days of TrioFIT Package Includes:

  • 2 Boxes of TrioGUT (30 Sachets)

  • 1 Can of LEAN90® (1 x 550g)

  • 1 TrioFIT Shaker Bottle

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies Community (FB Group Support)

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies WhatsApp Group Community Support

Most Popular*

60 Days TrioFIT

  • Designed to help lose 4-6KG healthily (results vary for different people)

  • 60 days TrioFIT Personal Coaching

  • Dedicated 1-to-1 TrioFIT Coaching by Certified Nutrition Coach

  • 60 Days of TrioFIT Package includes:

  • 4 Boxes of TrioGUT (60 Sachets)

  • 2 Cans of LEAN90® (2 x 550g)

  • 1 TrioFIT Shaker Bottle

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies Community

    (FB Group Support)

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies WhatsApp Group Community Support

  • "How to Eat Well & Stay Fit" Online Course (by Certified Nutritionist)

  • Smart Body Fat Weighing Scale

Most Effective

90 Days TrioFIT

  • Designed to help lose 6-10KG healthily (results vary for different people)

  • 90 days TrioFIT Personal Coaching

  • Dedicated 1-to-1 TrioFIT Coaching by Certified Nutrition Coach

  • 90 Days of TrioFIT Package includes:

  • 6 Boxes of TrioGUT (90 Sachets)

  • 4 Cans of LEAN90® (4 x 550g)

  • 1 TrioFIT Shaker Bottle

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies Community

    (FB Group Support)

  • Private TrioFIT Ladies WhatsApp Group Community Support

  • "How to Eat Well & Stay Fit" Online Course (by Certified Nutritionist)

  • Smart Body Fat Weighing Scale


  • How to Become an Online Wellness Coach Entrepreneurship Program

  • Diet & Wellness Coaching Skills - How to Coach Your Family and Friends to Eat Healthy

  • Professional Nutrition Online Course (35+ Videos)

  • Advance Nutrition Online Course (25+ videos)

What's Next?

Step 1: Get a Free Weight Report & Improvement Plan

Step 2: We'll ship the products to you within 7 days

Step 3: Start consume, and we'll start our TrioFIT Coaching immediately

What's Next?

Step 1: Place an Order

Step 2: We'll ship the products to you within 7 days

Step 3: Start consume, and we'll start our TrioFIT Coaching

Featured in the Media

Questions & Answers

When does the Expert Masterclass™ take place?

The challenge takes place in 3 sessions: 

Jul 11, 2023 (Tue);

Jul 12, 2023 (Wed)

Jul 13, 2023 (Thurs)

Each session runs from 8 PM to 9:30 PM (GMT+8)

VIP Ticket holders will get a bonus hour with KC at the end of each day.

Who is the Expert Masterclass for?

The Expert Masterclass™ is designed for coaches, consultants, knowledge experts and business owners who are generating at least RM100,000 in yearly revenue, and can clearly see a bigger business in their future. If that's you, and you want that future sooner rather than later, why not register now?

What if my business does less than 80k in revenue but I'm committed to growing, can I still attend?

Well you could, if you're willing to commit the time and energy to add an extra zero to your revenue in the next 12 months.

But the strategies we cover are advanced. And the Expert Masterclass Challenge™ is designed to take a business making 80K to the next level of growth and beyond.

So unless you've had experience growing other businesses beyond 80k… or you've got the resources to dedicate (and the hunger to handle) that kind of growth then you're probably not ready.

However, if you're ready for adventure – and you feel up to the challenge – why not register now?

What will I get out of this challenge?

You'll only get out what you put in.

But if you're ready to commit to a bigger life… your business will grow by leaps and bounds. I have personally used the lessons, strategies and principles in the Expert Masterclass to grow my business and my client as well.

So, if you want to know the shortcuts and precise strategies and systems you can use to follow in my footsteps then this is the only place to start the journey together.

Do you want that? If so, register now.

Is the challenge in person? Where does it take place?

The event takes place live virtually on Zoom.

It's easy to attend. You don't need to travel or book a hotel. There's no extra food costs (unless you want to stock up on popcorn for the event) and you won't need any special technology either. Just your computer, TV or phone and Zoom.

NOTE: I advise all challengers to dress up for the occasion and represent yourself and your business in a professional manner, just like you would for a live in-person event.

Like the sound of learning how to add a zero to your revenue from the comfort of your own home? If yes, I look forward to seeing you live on zoom.

Is the event live or recorded?

I think I've already covered this. But if you're having trouble connecting the dots…(LOL) it's a LIVE event.

The challenge is streamed LIVE from my office in Malaysia.

You will interact with other live challengers on Zoom and in the private membership group.

You get 3 days with me (KC Low) LIVE coaching to scale your business, and a bonus hour each day if you're a VIP.

Want to spend 3 days with me streaming live into your living room? (Who wouldn't, right?)

Then fill out the order form and get yourself registered now.

Can I ask direct questions?

Yes. One of the advantages of attending the Challenge as a VIP is you get to interact directly with me for an hour after the formal training finishes each day.

You can also ask questions in the private membership group at any time (VIPs and Non-VIPS) and get direct feedback from me or members of my team.

Is there a question you want to ask now? If so, register now for the event.

You'll get immediate access to the members ONLY group and can start posting question to me and my team.

Will I get recordings of the event to watch later with my team?

No, there will be no replay or recording because a recording won't give you the full experience of being there live.

Look, I know you're busy. And I know three days seems like a lot of time to take away from your usual activities.

But, these three days will be wholly focused on how to scale, systemize and sustain your business.

Set up these systems and plans now… and… it will pay dividends for the rest of your life. Isn't that worth spending three days working on your business?

What if I want to invite members of my team?

Sure, that's fine..

The Expert Masterclass Challenge™ is on Zoom, and you'll attend from your home or office, so if you want members of your team on the same page, looking over your shoulder, reading from the same play-book, then feel free to invite them along for the party.

However, if team members create disturbances during the event, I will ask them to leave.

Got a team member you want to invite? Why not register you and your team members now, then tell your team members to put the dates in their calendar.

What money-back guarantee do you offer if I attended and decide it's not for me?

Great question.

Our #1 priority is not just your satisfaction with your training investment with us, but we want to EXCEED your expectations.

After attending the first day, if you're not delighted beyond your expectations, ask for a refund of your ticket up to 7 days after the event. Keep any bonuses you were gifted by us.

Sounds fair?

How do I get started?

Just scroll back up to the order form or click the button below, enter a few details, and you're in.

Why not do it now while it's on your mind?

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Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material, contained on this website is for educational purposes only. Results May Vary: Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person.

The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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